C-Map Reflections
Personally, since mind maps are such an individual and personal learning tool, it is hard for me to share my maps with others without the urge to make it so specific; it takes away from the organization and clarity of the actual map. I use to feel that, when creating a mind map, someone should be able to glace at my information and gain the same amount of understanding that I get from looking at it. Your presentation has shown me that this is not necessarily correct. I understand now that a mind map is a personal learning tool aimed to help individuals strengthen their understanding, rather than what I originally thought was simply showing their understanding.
Perhaps, when it comes to classroom use, we should think about using a mind map for our students’ personal benefit, rather than for marks or assessments. However, devoting class and instructional time to creating and improving mind maps can lead to the need to validate the time used in class, so I can see the need to assess such a task.
The technology that exists, such as Cacoo, gives students the ability to create a mind map on their own time in their own understanding, which could lessen the time taken in class to complete the activity. Personalization or learning leads to the greater understanding and increased higher order thinking as well as 21st century learning skills that we are seeking in our students. I think as an evolving market, the use of visual intensive learning tools, like this mind mapping tool, are going to increase dramatically in schools and businesses.
Posted in: Week 09: Visual-Intensive Learning
danishaw 9:09 am on July 6, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Kenton: I do believe that the perception of mapping ideas definitely is evolving a with the open source movement. You mention how your perception is also changing and this could be because of the uses of both concept maps and mind maps. Both applications technically do differ however in most cases individuals dictate the structure of the map. For some reason I am unable to hyperlink at this moment but here is a link that provides additional information: http://mindmappingsoftwareblog.com/concept-maps-vs-mind-maps/
Thanks for your comments!